"You can take the band out of the garage, but you can't take the garage out of the band." So said Max Giller, sound man of the quasi-famous Bubba Grey. Our heroes prepare for the battle of the bands, a celebrated annual event of Maple, Michigan. But a herd of Bigfoot haunts the surrounding wilderness like a Monster in the closet.
Rockstars of the Goons features a humorous account of a band that Bubba had when he was younger. Throughout the story, members of the band begin to encounter hints of bigfoot's existence as they progress on their journey to rockstar fame. Quirky quips and funny phrases fill the pages as 'Bubba Grey' and his bandmates attempt to make it to the Battle of the Bands while dealing with a looming presence of..... Bigfoot.
Bubba Grey's first novel, "Rockstars of the Goons."
Available now on Amazon!
"Hilarious" --Unknown
“Working with Bubba Grey has been an absolute pleasure. His creativity and attention to detail are unmatched, and he has helped bring my vision to life in ways I never thought possible.”